Hey hey hey! Here's an update on the project. So far I've rewritten the script and created, rigged, pegged the Gambit character, not only this but also the best run cycle I've ever made! I like it a lot. Will be fun to tweak and see different results at the end. Here's a screenie:
Hello my fellow humans! Due to the length of the project the script has been rewritten and now will only contain Gambit... and no Pomb..... :( the after inspection Pomb had 0% appeal and was just not funny enough to make the effort worth it. So the short will be solely on Gambit and his miss firing cards. Scrip writing, is an art form I wish I had an inkling of an idea how to do. Without a scrip you got nothing. Stay tuned for updates... coming soon!
Okay! And we off! So far I've got a script and a fully rigged Gambit Character. GoGoGo! Here's what the final Gambit looks like, and how he'll be appearing in the toon:
Hey! Yip I'm thinking of making a new cartoon. I say "thinking" because I "think" of new cartoons all the time, and most well so far all of the time they don't get past the think stage, so whether this materializes and becomes one - a finished cartoon - is another story.
Coming soon! (hopefully xD)
Story: Paul Lombard a comic enthusiast wanders across his hero Gambit. Mixed up in the emotions of awesomeness awe and panic he hangs on to his hero pleading to become his apprentice... Watch this space for the nonsensical, comic tales of Gambit & Pomb!
My First Animated Short for School. Done in ToonBoom Studio 4.5. I absolutely love this programe and what it can do! Can't wait to make some more animations in it. I'm not as happy as I should be with this one because I started fading nearing the end of the project and so my polishing skills have still not been tested 100%! Nonetheless I loved every second of every day I worked on this short! I apologize for the bad quality of the video, as soon as I figure out how to better my export settings I will repost it. So without any further delay here's my first animated short entitled: Doofus