Rigged, textured and modeled characters and environments. Next phase is to do my animation blocking. According to the animatic. Which can be seen here:
I've had a lot of fun creating the rigs and there's been some real personal achievements that have come from the experience so far in the project and I can't wait to start animating!
Here is a render of what I got so far:
Thursday, November 04, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Horsey Horsey update
Here's a render of my main actor giving the thumbs up giving the motivational "point" saying (in his mind) "you can do it!" Feel like I'm behind, even though I'm on schedule. I've got this as my desktop to motivate me for the production pipeline of my Nursery Short: Horsey Horsey. I've completed the rigs for my characters and now will start with modeling my environment, hopefully if all goes according to plan I will start animating at the beginning of November!
Notes: Subsurface scattering is going far to crazy on the front hand...
note to self remember to edit the SSS maps for epidermal, subdermal and depth weight.
Sunday, October 03, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Run Cycle
My run cycle for the Eli Character. Glad I got time to redo, from what I did the first time around. First time I had an Ik Spine and found it limiting and made it much harder to control the rig. I created some FK controls for the lower back Lumbar area, and a chest control which made animating the twist a lot more controllable. FK love it :)
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Walk cycle
Eli experiences walking for the first time. Found some limitations with the setup, but that's great news, as now I know what to do for the next rig I make.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Animation Exercise
Animation Short Short, learning how to shift weight. My learnings + some nCloth learnings :)
Enjoy my video on demonstrating the artful tack on how to deal with the female mind.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Lighting Exercise
After viewing some inspiring lighting tutorials, I decided to go ahead and do an exercise to see what I could do with my new knowledge, I love the ambient occlusion hack I've learnt, It's great.
Render took 40sec's, with a decent computer it would come way down. Pretty happy with the quality for a 40 second render. Having problems with the shadow casting...
Render took 40sec's, with a decent computer it would come way down. Pretty happy with the quality for a 40 second render. Having problems with the shadow casting...
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Main Character Model.01
Almost complete model for my nursery rhyme. Need to add some things like buttons, hair maybe some pockets and a tie? hehe. Really enjoyed making him so far, total of 2 days, estimated 16 hours actual time.
Very pleased with it so far. Only the head got Zbrushed, thinking at the end I might do minor adjustments to the body for more interesting proportions, we'll see how it goes.
Very pleased with it so far. Only the head got Zbrushed, thinking at the end I might do minor adjustments to the body for more interesting proportions, we'll see how it goes.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Face modeling/topology
Here's my face model for my new character on the nursery rhyme short.
Mostly modeled in Maya and a few overall large changes in Zbrush. Thinking of making a high poly version in zbrush and normal mapping detail on.
Mostly modeled in Maya and a few overall large changes in Zbrush. Thinking of making a high poly version in zbrush and normal mapping detail on.
Monday, August 09, 2010
Environment 1.c
Here's the renders I'm handing in. Slight post work, but overall satisfaction with what came out. After this I've come to the conclusion that I'm in need of learning how to render efficiently, also need to learn how to render in layers and passes. Skills to learn for another day, for now: Topology issues to get maximum use out of the deformations.
Thursday, August 05, 2010
Environment 1.b
Some new additions, having trouble with the texturing of the actual cliff face, but anyway here's another picture of the environment in it's mutating phase, hopefully at the end I have something really cool to show for it!
Monday, August 02, 2010
Environment 1.a
An environment for the Eli Project, Not my favorite time, still a work in progress. During these past 2 years, I can say with confidence that my passion lies in Characters. Character animation, design and modeling.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Spiderman and Wolverine
Monday, June 14, 2010
My end year school project, phase 1 - Storyboarding of the nursery rhyme: Horsey Horsey
I'm looking forward to making this project and putting 110% into it. I can see myself spending a lot of time animating a quadruped, however I think the process will be exciting, contain copious learning curves and be extremely rewarding in the end!
Horsey Horsey
Don't you stop
Let your feet go
Clippetty clop
Your tail goes swish
and the wheels go round
Giddy up now!
We're homeward bound.
So here's the first storyboard I've made for the short. If I stare long and hard enough maybe I'll see some other kind of interesting angles I could play with, or effects I could put in. All the while being conscious not to go too crazy because I'll be wanting to pay more attention to the character animation than anything else. Already I'm thinking I want to have more movement with the driver. We'll see what happens.

Thursday, May 20, 2010
Project Eli concept designs
I have only now realized that I had not posted a concept of How Eli evolved from scribble to what he is now. I really enjoyed the process of creating this character, the hardest being the first initial design, after you get that down it seems as if the concept brews nicely in your unconscious mind allowing the process to unfold naturally and easily. I had Initially created 40 character sketches of which I chose one to refine, It then became a choice of 3 and Eli was picked.
So here's the concept:

Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Thursday, March 04, 2010
Captain America Sculpt ZBrush pt2
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Captain America Sculpt ZBrush pt1
I'm absolutely falling in love with Zbrush and the functionality it has. The ability to throw the technical stuff out the window and open doors to creative dimensions where creativity roams free, this is what this program actually does. I love it. My second humanoid figure and pretty excited to get into the details!

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Project Eli
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